Modern day hairstyles for men are usually characterized by the presence of a fade or an undercut with a mid to long-length top full of texture and vibrance. This vibrance, or flow, often comes from the “messy hair don’t care” mindset and it’s currently all over the place in the fashion industry.
Runway models for brands like Louis Vuitton or Christian Dior have been sporting exquisite fades, curly quiffs, and long wavy hair for the past few years and consumers can’t seem to get enough of it. While trying out a new hairstyle or adapting your current look can be tricky and even unthinkable to some, we here at Cosmoton Academy want to make it easier for both customers and barbers to keep up with the current trends.
Here are 5 of the best modern hairstyles for men to check out the next time they find themselves at the barbershop:
1. Long Messy Hair and Low Fade:
This style is the ultimate modern go-getter for any man. It represents that of freedom, looking fresh, and approaching life with a top-down mindset (for all you convertible lovers). This look is best accomplished with a bit of pomade or clay worked into the hair and matte finish products usually work best.
Now, you can also do a high fade with this look but that will also look a bit edgier, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Athletes and musicians around the world have been rocking the high fade for decades.

2. Low Skin Fade and Medium Top:
Entrepreneurs and salespeople that want to present a modern and stylish vibe should look no further. The low skin fade offers that short side look that perfectly complements a medium-length top that can be slicked to the side, straight up, or to the back to offer that “clean” look.
To complete the overall vibe, pair this cut with a freshly kept, not-too-long beard and you’ll be ready for anything.

3. Long hair
I know I said that this modern era is characterized by the short and clean look, but there’s a disruptive force going on in fashion thanks to popular celebrities with longer hair like Danny Duncan and Post Malone.
Even though the emphasis is on long hair, this look is best presented when it’s properly managed and textured by a barber to keep everything in check. Also, make sure you use conditioner to make sure it shines and stays healthy over time.

4. Greaser’s Classic: The Slicked Back:
People cannot get enough of the classics; the slick back is a look for men that is both timeless and sexy. Characterized by short sides and mid to long-length top slicked back with your favorite pomade, this look is sure to pull and impress.
If you’ve been blessed with long, thick, straight hair then give this cut a chance.

5. The Perm
I saved one of the best for last: the perm. Men all around the United States are drifting towards wanting perms thanks to curly hair making a lot of noise on the viral app Tik-Tok. Instagram creators are flaunting their perms left and right hoping to catch the wave.
The perm is a high-fade style that features long, wavy, luscious curls on top that tons of women are obsessed with. After all, curls are fun to play with. These can get expensive depending on the procedure, costing anywhere from $30 – $150.